Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Catch Up

Since the holidays, life has been a blur. Winter has hit us hard, and the Christmas holiday trumped any other activities, particularly updating the blog. January is typically a transition month for me with cleaning, organizing and setting my intentions for the new year. Early January, I guided a group of enthusiastic women i the creation of their own vision seed map. This is a powerful tool for discovering what is buried deep in the subconscious that we can put to work for the manifestation f our dreams and desires.

Cooking classes will resume in March after a full month of nutritional seminars in February. The cookbook is on the agenda, and I'm looking forward to getting back to it. 2010 is beginning with a lot of unexpected personal surprises, mostly positive. What I had planned for the first part of the year is quickly shifting. Just going with the flow and doing what I love.

In the fall, I made the decision to do another liver detox and food elimination for the month of January. While I've completed the initial 28 days, adding foods back into my diet actually takes several more weeks. I just added soy back with very little problems, and soon I will add back whole grains - gluten. The process is different each time, regardless of previous experience. This time around, I was more lightheaded than before. The purpose of the cleanse is to cleanse the body of toxins and give the body a rest, specifically the liver, from the foods that are most allergenic and inflammatory. Since I don't eat meat, processed foods, processed sugars and flours, and I don't drink coffee or alcohol, eliminating soy and wheat were the biggies.

The experience of pulling away from food for a month or more and examining my dependence and belief system around food is always fascinating. There are always deeper releases that go beyond the physical body, and this time was no exception. On the one hand, my body feels so light and energized, and there's grief, too, from not being able to eat certain foods. You would think I was going to be without food for the rest of my life! The inner struggle is interesting to observe, and I highly recommend this process - it's life changing.

There is much on the horizon this coming year, and I look forward to sharing the progress of the cookbook.


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