Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Feel and Flow

There is a scene in a Seinfeld episode (The Sniffing Accountant) in which Jerry, Kramer, and Newman set up a sting. The three of them are in the car, and Kramer and Newman launch into a discussion about the "feel" of the day.

Kramer: "What's today?"
Newman: "It's Thursday."
Kramer: "Feels like Tuesday."
Newman: "Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel. Friday has a feel. Sunday has a feel."
Kramer: "I feel Tuesday and Wednesday... "
Jerry: "Alright, shut up both of you!"

More, hilarious Seinfeld nonsense.

I remembered this scene as I thought about the "feel" of this week. Everywhere I look, the people I know are slowing down after a hectic Labor Day weekend. People are heading out for day trips, weekend getaways, or just a well-deserved day off. This is not a coincidence. Perhaps this is related to some gentle, yet powerful natural rhythm. Something is definitely in the air this week.

Going With the Flow

I believe that the "feel" of the day or week, etc., is really an intuitive nudge, a message from within that warrants attention. For me, the feel of this week is about relaxation, rest, rejuvenation, and enjoyment. Based on this, I'm going with the flow of it - taking time to rest and enjoy the beautiful weather. To do otherwise would be to ignore the internal messages that I rely on for guidance. For me, this is going with my own personal flow.

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